Social responsibility

The sea belongs to everyone

Gorton’s Social Responsibility pillar encompasses the elements of sustainability that are not necessarily environmentally focused, including Inclusion & Integrity, Workplace Safety, Community Impact & Philanthropy, and Human Rights & Ethical Labor Practices.

Inclusion & Integrity
Community Impacts & Philanthropy
Human Rights & Ethical Labor Practices
Workplace Safety



Gorton's inclusivity practices
Achieved recruitment goal of increasing inclusivity & the diverse representation of Gorton’s staff.
Achieved lowest safety incident rate in over 10 years, well below industry standards.
Gorton's employee at whiteboard
Launched an internal team focusing on strengthening Human Rights and Ethical Labor Practices.
Successfully completed McDonald’s Social Workplace Accountability audit.
Gorton' employees volunteering
Exceeded volunteer hours’ goal by 100%, donated > 1,600 lb. of food to local food shelters, and hosted quarterly events both internally and externally within local community.


Smart goals

Truck with windmills in background
Remain below industry averages for safety incident rate metrics.
Develop documented, industry-specific supply chain risk assessment & audit process for human rights & ethical labor practices via dedicated internal team.
Employee focus groups and community outreach
Enhance overall organizational Agility and Empowerment, first by identifying opportunity areas via employee focus groups.
Gorton's Community Involvement & Philanthropy efforts
Maintain Community Involvement & Philanthropy efforts, targeting one volunteer event per quarter.
Truck with windmills in background
Remain below industry averages for safety incident rate metrics.
Employee focus groups and community outreach
Enhance overall organizational Agility and Empowerment, first by identifying opportunity areas via employee focus groups.


Smart goals

Develop documented, industry-specific supply chain risk assessment & audit process for human rights & ethical labor practices via dedicated internal team.
Gorton's Community Involvement & Philanthropy efforts
Maintain Community Involvement & Philanthropy efforts, targeting one volunteer event per quarter.

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